AJK PM urges UN to resolve Kashmir issue as per its resolutions

MIRPUR : Azad Jammu Kashmir Top state leader Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq, while naming October 27 as the haziest day in Kashmir’s set of experiences, has expressed that on this day, in 1947, India involved Kashmir wrongfully by spurning worldwide regulations and standards of equity and fair play.

In his proclamation on Kashmir Dark Day, the PM said that the Indian attack of Kashmir had prompted passing and annihilation in the locale.

Slaughter and brutality, mistreatment and concealment have been a sign of India’s neo frontier rule in the district, the PM said, adding that India’s hawkish occupation opened the conduits to viciousness and common freedoms infringement against the Kashmiris.

He said that the purported bosses of a majority rules government denied Kashmiris of their fundamental political and common liberties.

He said that Kashmiris living on the two sides of the horrendous line (LoC) and the world over were observing Dark Day as a characteristic of dissent against India’s control of Involved Jammu and Kashmir.

He said that the Kashmiri public had never acknowledged the unlawful control of India.

Naming India as a usurper, he said, “The Indian government moved toward the UN Security Chamber on January 1, 1948 and vowed to give Kashmiris their right to self-assurance at the UN”.

He said that India later on backtracked from its responsibilities and wouldn’t execute the UN goals that surefire the right to self assurance for individuals of Kashmir.

He said that the purported biggest majority rules government was utilizing its abusive state device to pulverize the Kashmiris’ real battle for the right of self-assurance.

He, notwithstanding, kept up with that in spite of utilizing its military may, the Indian government has hopelessly neglected to imprint the Kashmiris resolve and their soul of opportunity.

“Kashmiri adolescents are being martyred in counterfeit experiences and severe limitations have been forced on the media to conceal the ground reality circumstance in Involved Kashmir”, he said.

The PM requested the Assembled Countries to find functional ways to execute its goals on Kashmiri and assist with halting the continuous persecution in Involved Kashmir.

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