AJK PM rejects India’s announcement of holding polls in IIOJK

Azad Jammu and Kashmir State head Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq has excused India’s declaration of holding surveys in Indian Unlawfully involved Jammu and Kashmir and named it a frantic endeavor to misdirect the worldwide local area.

In a proclamation, he stressed that such decisions can’t supplant the UN-guaranteed plebiscite, which is the main genuine method for deciding the district’s future.

The AJK State head said that India, subsequent to annulling the district’s unique status and allowing counterfeit habitation declarations to a huge number of outcasts, is presently attempting to toss dust according to world by leading phony races.

He focused on that the Kashmiri public won’t be influenced by such strategies and will keep on battling for their right to self-assurance, as ensured by UN Security Committee goals.

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