Deadline for filing income tax returns: Will there be another extension?

The last cutoff time for recording annual expense forms is today, Monday, October fourteenth, as per the Government Leading group of Income (FBR), which has affirmed that no further augmentation will be conceded.

The cutoff time was recently set for 30 September, however FBR stretched out it to give additional opportunity to citizens. Be that as it may, the income board has now repeated its position against any extra augmentations.

In an explanation, FBR’s representative featured that the public authority is acquainting new measures with keep non-filers from buying property. This drive is important for a more extensive work to guarantee consistence and lift the nation’s duty base.

Citizens have been encouraged to document their profits toward the finish of today to stay away from any punishments.

Already, FBR had broadened the cutoff time for recording annual expense forms for the monetary year 2024 from 30th September to fourteenth October , following solicitations from different exchange affiliations and Duty Bar Affiliations.

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