AJK PM for effective disaster response

MUZAFFARABAD: State head of Azad Kashmir, Chudhary Anwar ul Haq, underlined the dire requirement for compelling debacle reaction and restoration procedures to limit death toll and harm to framework during regular disasters.

He expressed this during a capability held to respect the survivors of the overwhelming 2005 tremor in Azad Kashmir. Talking at the occasion, the head of the state thought about how the quake decreased enormous pieces of the locale to rubble and annihilated many years of framework. He noticed that the effect of this misfortune would be felt for quite a while. Focusing on the significance of preventive measures, he expressed, “We should know about the ecological and climatic changes occurring in the locale.” He featured that Azad Kashmir positions 6th among the districts generally impacted by environmental change and called for moves toward safeguard the climate.

“We really want to depend on our own assets and stand on our own feet,” he added. Considering environmental change, he emphasizsed the need to safeguard and grow woodlands through estate endeavors. While recognizing the headway made in Azad Kashmir since the debacle, he stated, “There is something else to be finished.”

The AJK PM recognized that while it is difficult to forestall regular catastrophes, viable calamity reaction and recovery systems can essentially decrease the death toll and harm to framework. He communicated a guarantee to building a superior future with reestablished assurance and enthusiasm, featuring the public authority’s emphasis on making an orderly and viable regulatory design for overseeing cataclysmic events. He noticed that the foundation of the State Catastrophe The executives Authority (SDMA) is a significant stage toward this path.

In his location, the state head likewise offered thanks to the worldwide local area, expressing that individuals of Azad Kashmir will always remember the model help given by global foundations, NGOs, and different associations in restoring tremor survivors. The function was gone to by AJK Pastor for Data Pir Mazhar Saeed Shah, Secretary of the Debacle The executives Authority Ms Tehzeeb un-Nissa, and others.

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